

Acupuncture is an effective medical treatment which has been performed for thousands of years. Using single-use, hair-thin needles, licensed practitioners target specific locations to promote positive change in the body. Acupuncture has been found to decrease inflammation, increase blood flow and regulate hormonal imbalances. The World Health Organization currently recognizes acupuncture to treat dozens of conditions.

Kirsten Malmendier completed a four year masters program and took multiple comprehensive board exams. She is licensed in the states of Idaho and California as well as nationally certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also a fellow of the Acupuncture Board of Reproduction Medicine (ABORM).


Celluma LED Light Therapy


In addition to your Acupuncture session, we offer Celluma Light therapy as a treatment add on. Celluma devices are cleared to treat a wide variety of skin and pain conditions: muscle and joint pain, arthritis pain and stiffness, acne vulgaris, low blood flow, superficial lesions, and musculoskeletal pain . Each wavelength of light travels through the skin providing energy to under-functioning cells from the surface of the skin to deep into the muscle and joint layer to bring about different healing effects in the body.


Chinese Herbal Medicine


Chinese Herbal Medicine makes use of substances found in nature many of which have antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Herbal formulas dating back thousands of years are used to effectively treat a wide variety of ailments including hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia and depression. In modern times, herbal formulas are most frequently administered in capsule or pill-form; though teas, tinctures and poultices may also be used.




Moxibustion, more commonly called "moxa", is an herbal therapy in which the dried herb Artemisia Vulgaris is burned and held over specific acupuncture points. There are different ways to administer Moxa. Most commonly in the U.S., moxa is rolled into a cigar-like shape making it easy to hold in one's hand while placing the lit moxa stick over one or several acupuncture points. Another common form of moxa is rolled like a cigar and then sliced into smaller marshmallow-like pieces which are light enough to place at the end of an acupuncture needle before being lit. The moxa will burn until it goes out on its own. The patient will usually describe the treatment as a pleasant, warming sensation which lasts anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Moxa is used to treat chronic pain, low energy, and - believe it or not - can be used to turn a breech baby!


Chinese Fire Cupping

Cupping is typically performed with glass, plastic or silicone cups. We prefer glass for their cleanliness and suction quality. The practitioner uses a hemostat to clamp an alcohol-soaked cotton ball which will be lit on fire. The end of the hemostat with the lit cotton ball is inserted into the cup then pulled out before quickly placing the cup on the skin. This creates a vacuum inside the cup, pulling up on the skin and superficial tissues below. Cupping is used for a variety of ailments including back pain, muscle tension and asthmatic conditions.


Dietary Evaluations

Diet is a key component to one's health and not everyone responds well to the same foods. Knowing which foods may help or aggravate ones condition will be extremely valuable on a journey to better health. As Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, we take into account your overall condition to give dietary recommendations tailored to your body's specific needs. Depending on your individual health goals, you may be asked to fill out a five day food and mood diary. This will be assessed by your practitioner to decide which foods may need to be eliminated from or incorporated into your diet, to assess timing of meals, quality and quanity, and many other factors, to bring about balance in the body.

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